Juliana Pavlova

Meet the artist

Juliana Pavlova is inspired by everything that surrounds her - from a smile, from a pleasant conversation, from the warm rays of the sun or gentle snowflakes caressing the face on a frosty day. But the most inspiration awakens the satisfactory and successes due to the unceasing searches and attempts of different techniques with which he experiments.

 Juliana has a Master's degree from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, where she specialized in poster design. Before that, she attended the Athens Institute of Technology for four years, and studied graphic design. After graduating from the Academy with honors, she lived and worked abroad for many years, participating in numerous solo and joint exhibitions with the Phantasmus gallery. She is also proud of the recognition of His Royal Highness Prince Consort of Denmark Henrik, who owns one of her works. After returning to Bulgaria, Juliana continued her work with the Phantasmus gallery in Denmark. In her homeland, she held several joint exhibitions with Dutch Radio concert master Micho Dimitrov, and the singer Vasil Petrov in Sofia, who are also excellent artists. The works of Juliana Pavlova showcase a new mixed technique of drawing on metal. It combines the coldness of the metal with the warmth of the light, which polyphonically refracts in its cold surface. With this technique, the works seem to come alive, become one whole, and embark on a whirlwind dance.

Works by Juliana Pavlova

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