Privacy Policy


At BG CRAFTS GALLERY Ltd. (the "Company" or "we"/"us"), we take care of the security of your personal data and have taken the necessary measures to bring our activities in line with information protection requirements.

This privacy policy applies only to information that is collected through our website


Personal data controller contact details

Company BG CRAFTS GALLERY OOD, EIC: 207085119

With registered office and management address: city of Ruse, Petko Karavelov St. No. 6A, entrance 1, fl. 2, apartment 4

Tel. for contact: +359 892 683 827



What personal data do we collect and why do we process your personal data?

BG CRAFTS GALLERY LTD processes those personal data that are necessary and related to the maintenance of its website and the goods and services provided through it, and we act as a personal data administrator.

We collect only the necessary personal data to respond to your request or to fulfill our obligation to you - legally or under a concluded contract.

Personal data in a larger volume collection only if we have obtained your consent (for example for analytical cookies or the display of personalized advertising content) or there is another legal basis for this.

The cases in which we collect and process your personal data, as well as the purposes for which we do so, are as follows:


Activity Types of personal data and purpose of processing Basis for processing personal data
Sending newsletter with promotions and special offers in case you wish to receive our newsletter, it is necessary to provide us with your email address. · Express prior consent

Display of personalized advertising content

and remarketing (remarketing*)

we process your personal data (for example, how many times you have visited our page and our profile in social networks, age and gender data, interests, etc.) based on your prior consent.

For remarketing purposes we use the services of Google Inc.* and Facebook Inc., which allows you to be shown advertising messages about our current promotions and goods while you are active online. Information on how to disable this feature is available in our cookie policy.

If you have been our customer before, on the basis of legitimate interest, we carry out direct marketing by sending you useful information about goods and services similar to the ones you have purchased.

· Express prior consent;

· Legitimate interest in compliance with the rule of Art. 261, para. 2 ZES;

Using the contact form on our website when you write to us through our website, you need to provide a name and contact email so that we can contact you. If you share other personal information with us in the text of your inquiry, we will process that information to the extent necessary to answer the questions you have asked us;

· Express prior consent;

· Legitimate interest in improving the quality of our services;

Communication through the built-in functionality of Facebook We only process the data contained in your message to us; depending on your account and browser settings, you may allow Facebook to collect additional data about you. You can check your settings on this one link, as well as familiarize yourself with Facebook's privacy policy here

· Express prior consent;

· Legitimate interest in improving the quality of our services;

· Steps to conclude a contract;

Making of personal profile on our website when you wish to register as a customer in our online store, we collect your two names, email address, telephone and contact and delivery address

· Express prior consent;

· Legitimate interest in improving the quality of our services;

· Steps to conclude a contract;

Purchasing services from our website

we additionally process the following categories of personal data:

o contact information such as name, delivery address and telephone number

o purchase history and goods marked as "favorites";

o personal profile settings;

o encrypted payment card information;

· Legitimate interest in improving the quality of our services;

· Steps for concluding and executing a contract;

the cookies ("cookies”) and social plug-ins (social plugins) for the information that is processed in connection with  the cookies ("cookies") and social plugins (social plugins),  please read our Cookie Management Policy.

· Express prior consent;

· Legitimate interest in improving the quality of our services and conducting direct marketing;


However, when you use your customer profile in our online store, you will be able to check the history and all the details of your orders for a period of 3 years back.

We'll also provide you with easy ways to keep information such as contact details, shipping address and payment information accurate and up-to-date. We will only keep this data if you expressly wish to do so.

Regardless of the reason why you share your personal data with us, we recommend that you do not disclose sensitive personal information: such as data about racial or ethnic origin, religion, trade union membership, sexual orientation, health status, etc.

How long do we store your personal data?

BG CRAFTS GALLERY LTD will store your personal data only for the purposes stated above and only for the period necessary for them.

If you decide that you no longer wish to receive our newsletter or that you wish to delete your account, we will delete all of your personal data (unless we have another reason/legal obligation to retain some of it). Additionally, in every email you receive from us, there will be an easy way to opt out of receiving said information

In connection with purchases and payments made, invoices issued, financial statements prepared, we store data according to the Accounting Act for a period of 5 years, respectively. 10 years

We store the data on claims made and the documents issued in this connection containing personal data for a period of 3 years, following the year of processing the claim.


Who do we share your personal data with?

We will not share or distribute your data for marketing or other purposes to third parties.

The above data is only provided to our trusted partners (technical providers of marketing and web design services, IT support, accounting service providers) who we have ensured comply with the highest standards of information security and her privacy. The provision of data to our partners is necessary in order to be able to provide you with the services you have requested, as well as to improve the functioning of our website.

We will never sell your information to third parties or use it for purposes for which we have not notified you and you have not given us prior consent.

What are your rights?

As a data subject, you have the right to get confirmation and/or detailed information, incl. a copy of the personal data processed for you (right of access).

In addition, you can objections to collection and the further processing of your personal data, as well as to request the same to be corrected (updated) or deleted (when there is no valid legal basis for us to continue processing them).

It is important to know that you can withdraw your consent for the processing of personal data at any time: see the contact details at this link (insert link to the contact page).

If you believe that your data protection rights have been violated, you have right to file a complaint to the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data: Sofia 1592, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd. 2, phone: 02/91-53-518, e-mail: and/or another supervisory/regulatory body when you believe that there is a violation in connection with the processing of your personal data by the Company.

To ask questions about your rights or if you wish to exercise any of them, please contact us at the contact details provided above.