Authentic icon "Fall"

SKU: 8715 Category: Artist:

Size: 28x19x2 cm (HxLxW)
Artist: Ventsislav Shtarkov

Authentic icon "Fall"

The biblical account of the "Fall" conveys the picture of human transgression in Eden, in figurative way.

Genesis 3 gives a full account of this short, but dark tragedy of the first men. Immediately after the account of the blessed abode of Adam and Eve, of the just commandment not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, of the wonderful prerequisites conducive to a complete development, the abyss of the first sin committed on earth suddenly opens (Genesis 3: 1-6). Perhaps for many this fact is perplexing! Why should the night of alienation and enmity toward God descend after the long day of heavenly bliss? Where did the weakness of the first human couple come from, who instead of thankfulness responded with languor for being equated with the Creator?

After the serpent and Eve came into tune, the poison of sin fell upon the hearts of the first men. "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, a tree desirable for giving knowledge, she took of its fruit and ate, and gave it to her husband to eat with her, and he also ate" (v. 6) If we try to look deeper into this seemingly brief record of human transgression of the commandment, we will see the dangerous variety of the fall.

The icon is created using materials and paints according to the original technology for making of Orthodox icons. Gold leaf, patina, and cracking varnish were used, to make the icon look even more authentic. The icon is painted with egg tempera paint, as per the traditional technology for icon painting.

This lovely work of art is signed by the artist, and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.


1 049,00 BGN

1 in stock

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 19×2×28 cm




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