Kichka Ivanova

Meet the artist

Kichka Ivanova is a Bulgarian artist, who finds inspiration for her works from the endless blue-green Mediterranean sea, beautiful beaches, bright southern sun and the sea birds. Drawing has been her passion since an early age, and art attracts her with the same mystery and beauty. Since 1997, Kichka resides in Athens, Greece.

Shortly after moving to Greece, Kichka was exposed to a unique technique of painting with epoxy resin, and started experimenting. Many years later, she still uses EPOXY CRYSTAL RUBIN, gold varnish, acrylic paints, structural pastes and pigments, for her unique artworks. The paintings are created on a wooden base. Each of them is one-of-a-kind, and although abstract, in a very subtle way, they represent the real world.

Kichka lives by the sea, and admires its shades every day...dark blue to white, and sky blue to deep green. Its waves are caressing and gentle, but can also be scary, and sinister. The sea is both a friend, and an enemy. She loves it in all of its forms, and looks forward to seeing it again, and again. She chooses this specific painting technique, because it allows her to show the variety of colors and the movement of the waves. She aims to achieve the rich color of sea water, and capture its rebellious spirit. She hopes that her paintings will bring art connoisseurs closer to these feelings, and make them friends of the sea forever. Paintings by Kichka Ivanova can been seen in several galleries in Bulgaria, as well as Greece.

Works by Kichka Ivanova

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