Peter Boyadjieff

Meet the artist

Peter Boyadjieff is a Canadian visual artist of Bulgarian origin and an independent designer who has been living and working in Montreal since 1993. He has a master's degree in fine arts and design from the National Academy of Arts in Sofia and after 25 years of artistic practice throughout Europe in areas related to public art and the integration of arts in architecture, his interests led him to continue his specialization in computer graphics and digital arts.

He has been creating conceptual images for the last 15 years.


In his work, he is interested in visual discourse combining physical realism and poetic imagery.

Instead of training his eye on various objects, he prefers to examine one object from all its aspects until a new perspective is discovered. Then, by analogy, the new idea is reinforced. His images superimpose the viewer's expectations, always providing immediate meaning while offering an intended second-order subtext.

The viewer engages in a substitution exercise beyond the figurative object to a new frame of mind. The viewer's role is to restore this interpretation.


Mix Media Acrylic, 3D images and other digital media are perfect for him because of their ability to bring the real and the imaginary into direct contact.


Peter seeks a visual discourse combining physical realism and figurative imagery to critically engage the viewer. Through his work he tries to communicate with the audience in a wider multicultural context. Through a playful analogy, it seeks to interpret our daily state.

Works by Peter Boyadjieff

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