Rumen N. Dimitrov

Meet the artist

Rumen N. Dimitrov is an extremely talented artist, who finds inspiration for his works in Divine beauty, mythology, nature and animalistic imagery. He was born in Shumen, Bulgaria, in 1975. He graduated from the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Veliko Tarnovo in 2001, majoring in painting. Thereafter, his creative path passed through Spain, where he painted for several galleries, the Colombian Embassy, and some respected personalities. During this time, his works participated in several exhibitions in the cities of Madrid, and El Escorial.

Rumen tends to avoid participation in painting competitions, as he does not perceive artistic expression as a competition, but as something much more personal, and even sacred. In 2010, he returned to Bulgaria and gradually withdrew from the city bustle, devoting himself entirely to painting in his home, in a village. He paints daily, with unquenchable desire. Live shows are pure suffering for him, as he has a form of autism and verbal communication with people is often a challenge. In contrast, painting and writing are a source of joy, pleasure and peace. Rumen's works have a strong and dramatic energy, but at the same time possess a lot of tenderness. The artist's paintings are recognizable by their mysticism, passion and beauty.

Works by Rumen N. Dimitrov

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