Tasim Kadrija

Meet the artist

Tasim Kadrija is a professional painter, and has been creating for more than 40 years! He was born in Slupčane, Republic of North Macedonia. In 1984, he graduated from the Pedagogical Academy of the "St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Skopje, in the class of highly respected professor Risto Kalchevski.

"Like any artist with a pronounced individuality, I transform a world that I believe in, and that is part of modern culture. In my paintings, I always take care to carefully depict the consistent reality of nature, seeking both the essence and meaning of life, as well as the poetry that springs from my soul. Fine art draws ideas from the source of life, and its image. A professional inspiration for my creative realizations is figurative provocation, and the beauty of nature," shared Tasim.

"In my work, I always try, along with the rich palette of colors, clean lines and other elements in painting, to include matter in its many variants, but not as a dominant element, but as a complement and imagery of the composition. The rhythmic movement of the small forms in the paintings creates a structural gradation and a harmonious sensuality of colors and levels in the composition. I give the viewers the opportunity to intuitively enter a spacious horizon, to meet something unreal and at the same time real enough from the point of view of human nostalgia and survival, of human pain and joy..."

– Tasim Kadria

Works by Tasim Kadrija

Tanya Pavlova
Outstanding talent

Creator Tasim Kadria is one of the best landscape stylists I've come across. His works radiate a lot of positive emotions. First of all, boundless love for the light in life, cheerfulness, longing for happiness and freedom of spirit, ideal for perfection. They surround you and protect you, give you wings, strength and inspiration.

1 year ago

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