BG Crafts Gallery: Enchantment and Inspiration at Magura Cultural Center - Chicago

Mar 28, 2024 | Art, Events

In November 2023, Magura Cultural Center in Chicago hosted an outstanding exhibition named "HeART & Soul", which attracted art connoisseurs from all over the world.

Visitors immersed themselves in the magic of art, enjoying the wonderful paintings of outstanding artists such as Stefan Georgiev, Angel Ivanov, Ertan Alev, Klementina Mancheva, Dobra Kamburova, Diana Dezir, Penyo Ivanov, Daniela Zekina and Peter Boyadjieff.

See the publication of the Bulgarian National Radio about the event here and of BG Voice here.

Artist: Ivan Yotov

The exhibition also featured authentic icons resurrecting ancient traditions crafted by the master painter Ventsislav Shtarkov. Visitors were mesmerized by the unique silver jewelry created by Galina Ileva, which exuded elegance and sophistication.

Artist: Stefan Georgiev
Artist: Angel Ivanov

The incredible woodcarvings of the master woodcarver, Ivan Yotov, caused great excitement. His works reflected the virtuosity and imagination of the artist, with each wooden figure telling its own unique story.

Artist: Dobra Kamburova
Artist: Penyo Ivanov

BG Crafts Gallery at Magura Cultural Center presented true jewels of art that left unforgettable memories in the hearts of all visitors.

Nadia Jeliazkova - founder of Magura Cultural Center and Latchesara Delchev - founder of BG Crafts Gallery